Precision Point Training

Different Types Of Squats And Squat Variations

If your squat poundages are not improving, it may help to include different types of squats into your training. As I grow older, I am seeing the importance of utilizing a high variety of exercises for each muscle group. This is especially true when training each muscle group three or more times per week which is my personal preference. However, even if you train your legs only once or twice per week, you may find as the Westside lifters do that you can benefit from incorporating a wide variety of squats into your training plan.

Different Types of Squats

There are many different types of squats that can build your overall leg strength and contribute to your ability to perform standard barbell back squats. The purpose of this article is to provide examples of several different types of squats you can include in your training. No one would do all of these variations within the same workout, instead, you would do just one or two of the variations and switch to a different variation the next workout or the next week. If your main goal is to improve your traditional back squat, I would recommend that you still include at least one set of back squats every week.

Videos of Different Types of Squats

It would likely take a book to provide written instructions for all of the different types of squats in this article, which is why it is better to utilize videos that demonstrate each type of squat. This being the case, the following videos are provided to help you see some of the options you have when considering different types of squats that you can include in your workouts.

Goblet Squats



Goblet Squats With a Dumbbell



Plate Squat



Landmine Squats



Landmine Belt Squats



Landmine Overhead Squat



Landmine Squat Press



Overhead Barbell Squat



Straddle Squats (Straddle Lift)



The Straddle Squat Can Easily Be Converted To a Straddle Deadlift or Bent Over Dumbbell Squat



Hex Bar Squats. Also Known as Trap Bar Squats



Belt Squats



Belt Squat Machine



Box Squats



Dumbbell Squats



Band Squats



Kettlebell Squat Swing



Sandbag Squats



Single Legged Squat



Split Squats



Front Squats



Hatfield Bar Squats



Sissy Squats



Sissy Squats on Sissy Squat Bench Machine




Zercher Squats Without A Rack



Barbell Back Squats


As you can see, there are scores of different types of squats that you can perform. You can add to each of these variations simply by adjusting the width of your feet for each type of squat.

If you have been stuck at the same squat poundage for more than a few months, you have nothing to lose by trying different types of squats to see if they benefit your performance. Best of training to you.

Related Resources

Barbell Squat Like A Champion

Squat Guide And More: In Depth Anatomy And Biomechanics of Squats

All About The Squat

Collection Of Biomechanics Resources: Squats, Bench, Deadlift

How to Squat Properly

The Squat Depth of 6 Mr. Olympias







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