Precision Point Training

Perfect Bench Press Reps

Perfect bench press reps are made up of perfect form, powerful-forceful lifting, while maintaining the same speed and stopping the set before there is a compromise in any of the qualities just listed. If you lift like this on a consistent basis, your potential to keep improving will be enhanced. In contrast, if you use sloppy form or push to the point where you cannot maintain perfect form, and you fail to maintain the practice  of powerful-forceful lifting while maintaining the same rep speed throughout each set, it will be more difficult to keep improving on a long term basis. Violating the principles that make up perfect reps may allow you to make quick progress, but it will undermine long term progress.

What do perfect bench press reps look like? Watch the following video:



Perfect Bench Press Reps

Notice that there is no evidence of the lifter shaking, quivering, squirming, or contorting his body to get the weight up. You really don’t see any struggling or straining to complete any of the reps, although you can see that there is plenty of effort along with a demonstration of qualities such as, focus, control, and mastery of each rep. In the end, this type of workout helped the lifter in the video to become very strong.

What Do Your Reps Look Like?

Ask yourself if you have been performing your reps like the lifter in the video, or if you have been compromising on your reps. Compromising on your reps generally comes from over-eagerness to lift weights that are heavier than what you are truly ready to lift; weight that is too heavy for your personal strength level when striving to perform perfect bench press reps.

The Challenge To Perform Perfect Reps

The main point of all of this is that it is too your advantage to go for perfect bench press reps. This will take you further and will be safer. It will spare you from suffering the negative consequences of the wear and tear that comes from using sloppy form and it will help you to last longer. The end result will be a greater amount of added strength. Performing your reps with perfection is one of the most important things about lifting, but it is also one of the things that is often overlooked. If you are wise, you won’t overlook it, but will take full advantage of applying it. Best of training to you.

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